Knots and ropes

Line drawing showing the five steps of tying a cleat hitch

Cleat hitch: cleat

The front line is probably already tied to a cleat on the prow of the boat and you’ll run that line through a mooring ring on the towpath and then back to the boat, wrapping it around the same cleat.

Step 1

Wrap the line from the boat around the base of the cleat. In the example, you see the line first wraps clockwise because the line is coming from the left. Always wrap around the farther horn first.

Step 2, 3

The line wraps clockwise to the left horn and then up and over and crosses back to the right horn. Then the line goes back underneath the right horn and up and over and crosses back to the left horn.

Step 4

Repeat this figure eight pattern as many times as possible. If you don’t have enough line to cross at least twice (as shown), then considering tying directly to the mooring ring on the towpath.

Step 5

Secure the line by either going under a horn and trapping it under itself or tying the loose end with a half hitch to the line from the boat.